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Discovery of Caucasus Holiday Planner Cross-border tours Discover Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan - 16 days (CT-02)

Discover Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan - 16 days (CT-02)

Group size
2-12 people
All year
16 days
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia
Akhaltsikhe, Alaverdi Monastery, Areni, Baku, Borjomi, Dilijan, Echmiatsin, Garni, Geghard, Gobustan, Gori, Gremi, Haghpat, Khor Virap, Kutaisi, Mtskheta, Napareuli, Noravank, Sevan, Shamakhi, Sheki, Sighnaghi, Tbilisi, Uplistikhe, Vardzia, Yanar Dag, Yerevan, Zvartnots
Akhaltsikhe - 2 nights
Baku - 3 nights
Kutaisi - 1 night
Sheki - 1 night
Sighnaghi - 1 night
Tbilisi - 3 nights
Yerevan - 4 nights
from £2,895
View dates and prices
These three Caucasus nations couldn’t be more different, but they share a common desire to show guests warm hospitality which makes them a wonderful choice for a holiday. This 16 day tour will show you the highlights of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. You’ll enjoy visits to UNESCO-listed monasteries, unique subterranean cave systems, wineries and of course, a rural landscape that’s as diverse as it is beautiful. The three capitals also have a different flavour, but all are compelling in their history and rich heritage. 

Day 1
Transfer from the airport to the hotel
Today your Caucasus adventure starts when you step off the plane in the Armenian capital Yerevan. You’ll be met for your transfer to the hotel. Overnight in Yerevan. (Dinner)
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Ejmiatsin - Zvarnots - Yerevan
Day 2
Yerevan City Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Yerevan - Echmiatsin
Cathedral of Ejmiatsin Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Echmiatsin - Zvartnots
Zvartnots Cathedral Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Zvartnots - Yerevan
The Yerevan cascade is one of the city’s most recognisable spaces, its staircases and escalators rising over multiple storeys to provide a breathtaking view over the capital and beyond from the top. Pick out Mount Ararat in the distance. Explore a little more of the city, including attractive Republic Square with its singing fountains and the Vernissage, with rows and rows of stalls selling everything from antiques to locally-made crafts. Also on the programme is a visit to the Matenadaran where ancient manuscripts are housed. Just outside of town, we’ll take you to the Zvartnots Cathedral, a ruined structure dating from the 7th century. Nearby, you’ll visit the Mother See of Holy Echmiadzin, the spiritual and administrative heart of the Armenian Church, before we return to Yerevan for a typically Armenian dinner. Overnight in Yerevan. (Breakfast, Dinner)

Driving distance: 55 km / 34 ml.
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Garni - Geghard - Yerevan
Day 3
Transfer by car / minibus: Yerevan - Garni
Pagan Temple of Garni Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Garni - Geghard
Geghard Monastery Guided Tour
Lavash Bread Cooking Master Class
Transfer by car / minibus: Geghard - Yerevan
This morning, we set our sights on Garni Temple, an ancient Greco-Roman structure whose appearance is in stark contrast to the many monasteries that can be found in Armenia. After exploring the site and learning a little about its history, we move on to nearby Geghard Monastery, the first of several monasteries you’ll visit while in the country. As we retrace our steps back to the Armenian capital, we’ll stop off at a rural home in the countryside where you’ll be shown how to make the local bread known as lavash. Participation is encouraged! Our final stop today is at the Ararat Wine Factory, where we will have the opportunity to sample the produce. Overnight in Yerevan. (Breakfast, Dinner)

Driving distance: 75 km / 47 ml.
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Khor Virap - Noravank - Yerevan
Day 4
Transfer by car / minibus: Yerevan - Khor Virap
Khor Virap Monastery Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Khor Virap - Noravank
Noravank Monastery Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Noravank - Areni
Wine Tasting
Transfer by car / minibus: Areni - Yerevan
An excursion to Khor Virap takes us a little closer to iconic Mount Ararat, which you saw from the top of the Yerevan Cascades. This monastery is famous as the site of the cell that held Saint Gregor the Illuminator prisoner for 13 years. After lunch, we will drive to Noravank Monastery. This beautiful monastery is tucked away up a narrow canyon and sits in perfect harmony with its surroundings. Climb a staircase without rails to enjoy jaw-dropping views along the canyon. Later this afternoon we’ll take you to Areni Winery. This is one of the best places in the country to try wine and also fruit-infused spirits - you may wish to leave room in your bag to bring home a souvenir or two. Overnight in Yerevan. (Breakfast, Dinner)

Driving distance: 245 km / 153 ml.
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Sevan - Dilijan - Haghpat - Armenian-Georgian border - Tbilisi
Day 5
Transfer by car / minibus: Yerevan - Sevan
Sevanavank Monastery Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Sevan - Dilijan
Dilijan City Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Dilijan - Haghpat
Haghpat Monastery Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Haghpat - Tbilisi
Armenia has a few more sights to show us before we set off for the Georgian border. Lake Sevan is the largest body of water in Armenia and perched on a hilltop above its shoreline is the delightful Sevanavank Monastery. There are quite a few steps to climb, but the reward is panoramic views across the blue waters of the lake as well as a glimpse inside this 9th century marvel. Later, you’ll enjoy a tour of the spa resort of Dilijan before visiting Haghpat Monastery en route to the border. We’ll continue on to the Georgian capital Tbilisi; total driving distance today is around 188 miles (301km). Overnight in Tbilisi. (Breakfast, Dinner)

Driving distance: 301 km / 188 ml.
Day 6
Tbilisi City Tour
The Georgian capital is very different to Yerevan, with less of a Soviet feel to the place, particularly in the heart of the city. We’ll begin in Tbilisi’s Old Town, where there’s a plethora of ancient churches, old synagogues and the thermal baths for which the city is known. On today’s tour, you’ll pay a visit to the Georgian National Museum to learn a bit about this fascinating country and also take a walk along Rustaweli Avenue, one of the city’s liveliest thoroughfares. Overnight in Tbilisi. (Breakfast, Dinner)
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Mtskheta - Kutaisi
Day 7
Transfer by car / minibus: Tbilisi - Mtskheta
Walking Tour. Visit Jvari Church and Svetitskhoveli Cathedral
Transfer by car / minibus: Mtskheta - Kutaisi
Visit Prometheus Cave
Tbilisi hasn’t always been the capital of Georgia; before, that honour went to Mtskheta. As you’d expect, that means there is much to see, the highlights being the UNESCO-listed Djvari Church and Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. Later, in the afternoon, we will drive to Kutaisi, the country’s second largest city, and visit the Prometheus Cave which is located just outside. Overnight in Kutaisi. (Breakfast, Dinner)

Driving distance: 265 km / 166 ml.
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Gelati - Bagrati - Akhaltsikhe
Day 8
Bagrati Cathedral Guided Tour
Gelati Monastery Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Kutaisi - Akhaltsikhe
One of the great joys when travelling in the Caucasus is to visit the bustling local markets and we’ll do so in Kutaisi before leaving the city. Our UNESCO hit list continues with visits to Gelati Monastery and Bagrati Cathedrals. There’ll be plenty of time to explore before we need to hit the road for Akhaltsikhe. Incidentally, its name means “new castle” although old is no longer an apt epithet. Overnight in Akhaltsikhe. (Breakfast, Dinner)

Driving distance: 213 km / 133 ml.
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Vardzia - Akhaltsikhe
Day 9
Rabati Fortress Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Akhaltsikhe - Vardzia
Cave Town Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Vardzia - Akhaltsikhe
Visitors come to Akhaltsikhe to visit the spectacular underground cave city of Vardzia. The hillside is riddled with tunnels and caverns; these were used as store rooms, churches and refectories. If you’re wondering how they came to be here, the thirteen level site was hewn from the rock on the orders of Queen Tamar in 1185. Destroyed by an earthquake in 1283, it was rebuilt but abandoned again when the Ottomans came in the 16th century. Back in Akhaltsikhe the itinerary includes a visit to the famous ethnographic Museum in the Rabati Fortress. Overnight in Akhaltsikhe. (Breakfast, Dinner)

Driving distance: 122 km / 76 ml.
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Borjomi - Gori - Uplistikhe - Tbilisi
Day 10
Transfer by car / minibus: Akhaltsikhe - Borjomi
Borjomi Walking Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Borjomi - Gori
Stalin Museum Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Gori - Uplistikhe
Uplistikhe Cave Town Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Uplistikhe - Tbilisi
Gala Dinner & Folklore Show
The most infamous leader Russia ever had was in fact Georgian by birth, and he came from the town of Gori. Today, there’s a museum dedicated to his life, which incorporates the humble wooden hut in which he spent his early years. Of course, this is a sanitised history and you’ll be wise to make up your own mind as to what you think of the man and his actions. Afterwards, we’ll visit nearby Uplistikhe Cave Town, another fascinating subterranean complex, before returning to Tbilisi. Overnight in Tbilisi. (Breakfast, Dinner)

Driving distance: 240 km / 150 ml.
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Gombori - Alaverdi - Napareuli - Gremi - Signagi
Day 11
Transfer by car / minibus: Tbilisi - Alaverdi Monastery
Alaverdi Monastery Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Alaverdi Monastery - Napareuli
Wine Tasting at Twins Wine Cellar
Transfer by car / minibus: Napareuli - Gremi
Gremi Complex Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Gremi - Sighnaghi
Georgia has a long history of viticulture; the nation has been producing wine for over 8000 years. Today’s programme takes us into wine country, to explore the region of Kakheti. We will explore the Alaverdi Monastery and Gremi Complex as well as enjoy a much-anticipated wine tasting in Napareuli. Last stop today is the pretty town of Signagi. We’ll start exploring the town’s fortifications and from those walls enjoy far-reaching views across the surrounding countryside. Overnight in Signagi. (Breakfast, Dinner)

Driving distance: 219 km / 137 ml.
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Azerbaijan border - Kish - Sheki
Day 12
Walking Tour in Sighnaghi
Bodbe Monastery of St Nino Guided Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Sighnaghi - Sheki
Visit Church of Kish
Having enjoyed a tour of Signagi’s main sights yesterday afternoon, there’ll be more time in this characterful place to soak up the atmosphere of its historic centre. A couple of miles down the road is Bodbe Monastery, a complex set amid delightful gardens. That will be our last stop before we leave Georgia. It’s time to cross the border into our third country, Azerbaijan, where we’ll begin the drive to Sheki. A visit to Kish village completes today’s programme. Overnight in Sheki. (Breakfast, Dinner)

Driving distance: 157 km / 98 ml.
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Shamakhi - Baku
Day 13
Guided Tour of Sheki
Transfer by car / minibus: Sheki - Shamakhi
Shamakhi City Tour
Transfer by car / minibus: Shamakhi - Baku
Sheki, sometimes referred to as Shaki, was a stop on the ancient Silk Road. Its 18th century Palace of the Shaki Khans was a summer residence for the ruling elite and was built without a single nail. Even the regular dwellings were richly decorated with wooden lattice work framing colourful glass. That’s not all; we’ll also show you the 18th century Shaki Castle before setting off for Shamakhi. This place is rich in culture and history; highlights include Juma Mosque which has survived many earthquakes. Our final destination this afternoon is the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. Overnight in Baku. (Breakfast, Dinner)

Driving distance: 298 km / 186 ml.
Day 14
Baku City Tour
Baku is forward thinking, but also has a thriving old city which abuts the Caspian Sea. You’ll enjoy a tour of old Baku, taking in the Maiden Tower, the Palace of Shirvanshahs, the courtyard of Divankhana and numerous mosques, minarets, caravanserais and baths. Most people will recognise the distinctive shapes of Baku’s newest landmark, the Flame Towers, built on the back of Azerbaijan’s not insignificant mineral wealth. Overnight in Baku. (Breakfast, Dinner)
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Gobustan - Yanar Dag - Baku
Day 15
Transfer by car / minibus: Baku - Gobustan
Excursion to Gobustan National Park
Transfer by car / minibus: Gobustan - Yanar Dag
Visit Yanar Dag Flames
Transfer by car / minibus: Yanar Dag - Baku
For our final full day of sightseeing, we head out of the capital into Gobustan. The Gobustan State Reserve is best known for its petroglyphs which depict prehistoric life in the Caucasus. There are also around three hundred mud volcanoes which some say have health-enhancing properties. After lunch, we’ll take you to the hillside of Yanar Dag. Gases have seeped from this hillside since the 1950s and since then the hillside has burned without a break. Overnight in Baku. (Breakfast, Dinner)

Driving distance: 152 km / 95 ml.
Day 16
Transfer from the hotel to the airport
Your Caucasus adventure has to end sometime and today is that day. We’ll transfer you to the airport for your flight home and wish you well for the journey home. (Breakfast)
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Dates and prices
Please read notes at the bottom of the table to learn more about the meaning of each pricing section
Travel package
Year of travel
Travel dates Flights Excluding / Including Single / Solo supplement Book
30/07/2024 - 14/08/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
06/08/2024 - 21/08/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
13/08/2024 - 28/08/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
20/08/2024 - 04/09/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
27/08/2024 - 11/09/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
03/09/2024 - 18/09/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
10/09/2024 - 25/09/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
17/09/2024 - 02/10/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
24/09/2024 - 09/10/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
01/10/2024 - 16/10/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
08/10/2024 - 23/10/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
15/10/2024 - 30/10/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
22/10/2024 - 06/11/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
29/10/2024 - 13/11/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
05/11/2024 - 20/11/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
12/11/2024 - 27/11/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
19/11/2024 - 04/12/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
26/11/2024 - 11/12/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
03/12/2024 - 18/12/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
10/12/2024 - 25/12/2024 £2,895 / £3,295 £295 / £1,195 book now
Travel dates Flights Excluding / Including Single / Solo supplement Book
30/07/2024 - 14/08/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
06/08/2024 - 21/08/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
13/08/2024 - 28/08/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
20/08/2024 - 04/09/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
27/08/2024 - 11/09/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
03/09/2024 - 18/09/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
10/09/2024 - 25/09/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
17/09/2024 - 02/10/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
24/09/2024 - 09/10/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
01/10/2024 - 16/10/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
08/10/2024 - 23/10/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
15/10/2024 - 30/10/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
22/10/2024 - 06/11/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
29/10/2024 - 13/11/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
05/11/2024 - 20/11/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
12/11/2024 - 27/11/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
19/11/2024 - 04/12/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
26/11/2024 - 11/12/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
03/12/2024 - 18/12/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now
10/12/2024 - 25/12/2024 £3,095 / £3,495 £395 / £1,195 book now

Note on pricing:

  1. All prices are per person, in British Pounds. All included services are listed in the tour dossier and the section "Included" in the tour description.
  2. Price "Including flight" is subject to airfare availability and will be reconfirmed upon your booking. We advise not to delay with booking your tour as airfares may go up.
  3. Price "Excluding flight" does not cover airfare, you are free to book your own flights.
  4. Single supplement goes towards single room accommodation.
  5. Solo supplement is payable in the unlikely event when you are the only person on the tour. It will be refunded if other people join the same tour.
See what our clients say about our company
We are very happy to have served thousands of happy customers who travelled with us.
I am very happy with the services of the company and i would like to repeat the experience in the future! Thank you for information, support, kindness, readiness and communication!
All tour guides were excellent, very knowledgable and friendly.
The entire holiday was excellent. The organisation of the whole experience was excellent.
We had wonderful guides and drivers. Everything with transfers worked great! Maybe I would use you again, after I rest up a bit after this trip!!!
Important to get the two standard trips as offered, back to back plus bespoke extras of travel, transfers and hotel plus flights.
Especially good- reliability, guides, flawless organisation, promptness of all staff
The transfers were excellent, the accommodation was superb, we had a wonderful time, thank you.
Fantastic knowledge of the guides, made the trip much more enjoyable.

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